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Resources to support safer online experiences for First Nations people

Hands-on online safety training for mob

eSafety offers a new Strong People, Safe Spaces online safety training, tailored to First Nations organisations and communities with an active presence online.

The free training steps participants through ways to use and engage with social media safely, report online abuse, and support their own wellbeing. It has been developed to help you feel comfortable yarning about being deadly online with your community. 

Our updated stake holder toolkit has all you need to share our First Nations resources including social media images, suggested copy, a poster promoting eSafety’s new training and more.

Encourage your networks to explore eSafety’s website to hear stories from mob, read the latest First Nations research and find tips and tricks to help them stay safe online.

We also encourage all Australians who witness online abuse, regardless of who the target may be, to be an upstander, rather than a bystander. This means supporting the person who is being abused or harmed and letting them know help is available. Find out more at

  Watch these videos in your own language about how to deal with the different types of online abuse  

Videos in other languages | First Nations | eSafety Commissioner